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This reminded me of all the times that I've struggled with depression and ended up giving away things that actually, if I was in a better head space, I would have held on to. I end up giving them away because I feel I don't deserve them, only to end up needing or wanting them again not too long in the future when I come out of the other side. Minimalism can so easily trigger a lot of difficult emotions - I've founder the years that it's not something safe for me to engage with as I always spill over into denial. Anyway, as you can see this little game bought up a lot of emotions for me - fantastic job.


Wow, this is great!


Minimalism can seem so great: sharing, caring, finished up unfinished things, thinking about what you want to be but in the end it can run you down to only a ***** bed and some lonely hangers. It felt really depressing but in a non-judgemental way. I hope the people who play this can feel the impact of getting rid of everything you think of as unworthy/bad/not worth your time anymore. Really great bitsy


This game is a gem, a simple way to express a philosophical view, giving people the freedom to interpret it however they want. 


I kinda felt like this is a pre-warning to if you get too minimalistic too fast you will regret it. I liked the concept of giving stuff away that you don't need and making that okay, but I think there's a balance- you should keep some stuff and some dreams/hobbies. Standing in the middle of the room with empty tables didn't make me feel accomplished. With that said, I did enjoy the game and it got me thinking and ran great, so I look forward to playing other games from the developer!

you got it :) it's supposed to be a bit depressing at the end, like "whoops, I went too far". thanks for playing!

playing this made me realise why people might think you're preparing to leave this earth when one says they "want to get rid of all this useless stuff and be free".. mixed bag indeed


Lol I feel weird. While some of the statements were sad, but some didn't seem that sad to me? Like a mixed bag.

totally, it's not meant to be just a sad thing. letting go of things can be freeing, and from destruction comes regrowth, etc.


Cool this was short and interesting. Thanks for sharing. 


I like the colors, the sound, and the mood it evokes. However, I think it could have done with a resolution after all the items were collected. In fact, I half expected the character to give up their own life at the very end (I'm no expert at this subject but it seemed like they were preparing for suicide). Ultimately I think this was very interesting though.


Thanks! I wanted the 'end' of the game to be a time to reflect, since there's literally nothing left to do since you've willingly got rid of everything you own. I felt like explicitly stating the character's reasoning to the player would detract from the player coming to their own conclusion. Yours is totally valid, but others might have thought of something else- maybe the character is going off to become a monk? :)


i keep feeling like i'm getting rid of my stuff before i off myself or something, really depressing vibes.

impressive work, that i can feel so much with just three colors, text and a resolution around what i'm guessin' is 128x128!


thanks, now I'm feeling sad :(

Nice game!


This is uplifting in a melancholy way, thank you for sharing it with us.


This game made me feel really sad, nostalgic for youth.  Making a game that can make me feel so much in one screen is quite an accomplishment.


I love the vibe of this game....really satisfying, yet melancholy. Also I love the coat hanger tiles behind the clothing items, it's a  great detail.